The first assays from the maiden RC drill program designed to extend the Chinook Prospect west along the Sweetwater Trend have intersected high grade mineralisation increasing the deposit’s mineralised footprint to over 5.5km x 2km and open in all directions Approximately 15kms of the Sweetwater Trend within the 100% RTR tenements (E69/3787 and E69/3862) remains untested and is highly prospective for new extensions or discoveries The recent RC drilling has intersected multiple high grade feeder zones including: Chikamin High Grade Feeder Zone The newly named Chikamin high grade Zn-Pb feeder zone extends over 2.2km in strike, trending southeast-northwest and is open to the northwest The Chikamin Feeder Zone has similar characteristics to the similarly large scale Kalitan Feeder Zone and is zinc sulphide dominant: Recent results include:
-12m @ 5.49% Zn+Pb from 56m (EHRC596) Inc 6m @ 9.90% Zn + Pb from 57m
-56m @ 2.00% Zn+Pb from 103m (EHRC598) Inc 14m @ 4.25% Zn + Pb from 107m
-9m @ 3.37% Zn+Pb from 63m (EHRC600) Inc 1m @ 9.28% Zn+Pb from 64m
-38m @ 2.22% Zn+Pb from 83m (EHRC603) Inc 3m @ 4.63% Zn+Pb from 85m; and Inc 2m @ 8.01% Zn+Pb from 118m.
Further Potential Parallel Feeder Zones
300m west of the Chikamin Feeder Zone drilling has intersected a parallel and potentially new high grade Zn-Pb feeder zone. EHRC609 returned:
-22m @ 2.88% Zn+Pb from 62m Inc 12m @ 4.10% Zn+Pb from 69m
-600m west of the Chikamin Feeder Zone drilling intersected a parallel high grade Zn-Pb zone on the westernmost RC drill traverse that is open to the west and south. EHRC632 returned:
-6m @ 4.22% Zn + Pb from 72m Inc 2m @ 8.15% Zn + Pb from 76m
Spur Feeder Zone RC Drill Results – E69/3464
Drilling to the east extension of the Spur Zone intercepted further high grade ZnPb mineralisation which remains open. Results include:
-64m @ 1.42% Zn + Pb from 80m (EHRC466) Inc 5m @ 7.62% Zn + Pb from 127m
-24m @ 2.00% Zn + Pb from 86m (EHRC465) Inc 7m @ 4.39% Zn + Pb from 97m
Rumble Resources Limited announced that the maiden RC drilling results along the Sweetwater Trend has intersected a new 2.2km high grade feeder structure recently named the Chikamin Feeder Zone, along with potentially two new parallel high grade feeders within the 100% RTR (E69/3787) tenement. The delineation of these zones has led to a further expansion of the Chinook Prospect’s mineralised footprint to over 5.5km x 2km. The Chinook Prospect is located within the Earaheedy Project, 110km northeast of Wiluna, Western Australia.
RC Drilling Results – Sweetwater Trend – Chinook Prospect West Extension – E69/3787 Chikamin Feeder Zone High grade Zn-Pb mineralisation has been defined over a strike of 2.2km on 200m by 100m drill sections in association with a northwest-southeast trending structural zone, which is interpreted to be a mineralised feeder fault. The newly named Chikamin Feeder Zone extends into Rumble’s 100% owned tenement (E69/3787) and occurs along the previously highlighted Sweetwater Trend. This new feeder zone is parallel to the earlier discovered Kalitan Feeder Zone, which lies 1.5km to the northeast. Some of the more significant RC results associated with the Chikamin Feeder included:
-12m @ 5.49% Zn + Pb from 56m (EHRC596) Inc 6m @ 9.90% Zn + Pb from 57m
-56m @ 2.00% Zn + Pb from 103m (EHRC598) Inc 18m @ 3.78% Zn + Pb from 103m Inc 14m @ 4.25% An + Pb from 107m
-38m @ 2.22% Zn + Pb from 83m (EHRC603) Inc 3m @ 4.63% Zn + Pb from 85m and 2m @ 8.01% Zn + Pb from 118m
-9m @ 3.37% Zn + Pb from 63m (EHRC600) Inc 1m @ 9.28% Zn + Pb from 64m
-28m @ 1.76% Zn + Pb from 70m (EHRC592) Inc 1m @ 9.11% Zn + Pb from 71m
The sulphide mineralisation is dominated by sphalerite, galena and pyrite and is hosted within the Navajoh Unconformity Unit, which lies above the regionally extensive Navajoh Unconformity. The mineralisation is broad (up to 50m true width) with high grade core intervals and is shallow dipping. The Chikamin Feeder Zone is open to the northwest and is likely associated with the original Chinook discovery intercepts (EHRC050 – 24m @ 5.57% Zn + Pb and EHRC044 – 21m @ 4.31% Zn + Pb) which lie to the southeast (see image 1).
Further Potential Parallel Feeder Zones Additional broad parallel intercepts of sulphide Zn-Pb mineralisation with high grade core zones have also been delineated approximately 300m and 600m west of the Chikamin Feeder Zone. Results include 22m @ 2.88% Zn + Pb from 62m (EHRC609) o Inc 12m @ 4.1 % Zn + Pb from 69m o Inc 7m @ 5.08% Zn + Pb from 72m 53m @ 1.13% Zn + Pb from 43m (EHRC632) ; o Inc 6m @ 4.22% Zn + Pb, 24 g/t Ag from 72m, and o 2m @ 8.15% Zn + Pb, 16 g/t Ag from 76m The high grade mineralisation is sulphide and sphalerite (ZnS) dominant and is also strongly anomalous in Ag. These new zones hosted within the Navajoh Unconformity Unit are likely to further increase the Chinook mineralised footprint which now has a strike length of over 5.5km.

RC Drilling Results – Spur Feeder Zone – E69/3464 (see image 1) RC drilling results to the east of Chinook at the Spur Feeder Zone has shown strong continuity of high grade mineralisation within broad intervals (60m wide) of Zn-Pb sulphide mineralisation. The Spur Zone is inferred to trend east-west and is contiguous with the Kalitan Feeder Zone. Mineralisation remains open to the east and at depth. Latest results include; 64m @ 1.42% Zn + Pb from 80m (EHRC466) o Inc 5m @ 7.62% Zn + Pb from 127m 24m @ 2.00% Zn + Pb from 86m (EHRC465) o Inc 7m @ 4.39% Zn + Pb from 97m o Inc 2m @ 7.03% Zn + Pb from 101m
“Rumble Resources Ltd is an Australian based exploration company that looks at mineral
acquisition opportunities in Australia and abroad. The Earaheedy Project Deposit type is considered to be a MVT variant. Mineralization is predominantly stratiform sediment unconformity hosted in both carbonate and clastic flat lying lithologies. The overall geological deposition model for the Earaheedy Base Metal Province is continually evolving with some five styles of mineralization identified. Rumble has confirmed at least four of these styles have been defined within the Earaheedy Project and based on recent drilling completed by Strickland Metals, the likelihood of significant Iroquois Dolomite hosted mineralization below Chinook, Tonka-Navajoh and near surface along the Iroquois Carbonate Trend is very high. The current drilling has outlined laterally extensive flat lying unconformity related zinc-lead-silver sulphide mineralization at the Chinook, Tonka-Navajoh Prospects. It have a great potential, there are lot open target to drill, specially in the west side”
Mineralization at the Chinook now has a strike in excess of 5.5km and remains open in all directions. The Chinook Deposit is a large-scale epigenetic Zn-Pb unconformity related system with mineralisation structurally controlled by multiple northwest- southeast and east-west feeder structures/faults. The Kalitan and the newly defined Chikamin Feeder Zones reflect higher grade Zn-Pb mineralisation associated with the northwest-southeast trending structures. Both zones are over 2km long and remain open along strike. To the southeast of the Chikamin Feeder Zone lies the original discovery holes (EHRC050 – 24m @ 5.57% Zn + Pb and EHRC044 – 21m @ 4.31% Zn + Pb), which are now inferred to be associated with the same structural corridor as Chikamin. East-west mineralisation has been defined at the Spur Zone and several areas within the Chinook mineralised footprint have strong east-west orientations. The latest drilling results have emphasised the strong continuity in grade and widths further to the west along the 15km Sweetwater Trend. The historic Sweetwater Prospect lies approximately 12km to the west of Chinook deposit within the Sweetwater Trend. This highly prospective corridor will be tested by RC drilling over the coming months, and the Company looks forward to presenting further exciting developments as assay results are returned.

Next Steps at the Earaheedy project RC drilling to target further high grade feeders is ongoing along Sweetwater Tren Assays from 38 RC and diamond drill holes from the recent campaign at the Tonka- Navajoh Prospect, which were planned to infill and extend the Colorado and Magazine High Grade Feeder The Company is currently planning further RC/DDH drilling to test the many potential high grade east-west and northwest-southeast feeder structures that have been recently outlined via lithostructural mapping and interpretation of the geological data compiled to date over the Project Sighter metallurgical test work to develop a preliminary flowsheet for the sulphide flotation concentrate is progressing well and will be reported as soon as final results are compiled
An independent technical study to determine the optimum drill spacing for a maiden resource has commenced, with a maiden JORC mineral resource estimate (MRE) due to be reported in 202 Rumble is investigating beneficiation techniques e.g. DMS & sensor ore sorting to increase the potential resource and enhance the optionality for the Project
The Earaheedy Project is located approximately 110km northeast of Wiluna, Western Australia. Rumble owns 75% of E69/3464 and Zenith Minerals Ltd (ASX: ZNC) owns 25%. Rumble has two contiguous exploration licenses, EL69/3787 and EL69/3862 that are held 100% RTR. Since the major Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu discovery in April 2021, scoping and broad spaced infill drilling has rapidly uncovered an emerging world class scale Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu base metal system, with interpretative geology and drilling continuing to make new discoveries and highlight multiple large-scale targets. Significantly, less than 15% of combined strike has been tested to date. Priority target areas include the Sweetwater and Navajoh Southeast Trends, which are largely untested and have a strike of 23km. Significantly, recent geophysical interpretation along the Sweetwater Trend has highlighted the potential for repetitions of the prospective Navajoh Unconformity Unit (host of the Chinook and Tonka deposits), as a result of large-scale open folding and reverse fault/thrust sets. Within E69/3464 the focus of the geological team remains the targeting, delineation and extension of the high grade Zn-Pb feeder zones that continue to be discovered contemporaneously with the evolving structural and geological understanding. The discovery of the Chikamin Feeder Zone, has greatly increased Rumble’s confidence in defining further high grade mineralised feeder zones within the Project.
(Source: Press Releases –
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